If you’ve been told by your Doctor, “Your blood work looks fine, everything is normal…maybe you’re just depressed….”, and that doesn’t feel right to you, I can help. Maybe you’ve struggled with mystery symptoms and illness, Lyme disease, thyroid issues, brain fog, mold toxicity, skin issues, etc… We will work together to find the root cause and get you back to feeling great again.
I am Casey Postma. I’m an NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner), specializing in Holistic Health & Wellness. I work with people who are struggling to find answers, and help provide solutions to their health issues. My certifications include the following:
Qest4 Bio Resonance Practitioner
Certified Lyme Specialist (Trinity School of Natural Health)
MBCE (master blood chem course)
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (Institute for Integrative Nutrition)
Intermediate Herbalist Course (The Herbal Academy)
Cellcore Practitioner
Through my own healing journey, I’ve discovered how to get answers quickly to what potentially could be making you sick, and I have the solutions to many of those issues.
I am here to support and guide you on your wellness journey. We work together to address all areas of healing - Mind - Body - Spirit. Total wellness and healing comes when we can address the areas in our lives that are often overlooked. Finding balance in all areas of our life is what we strive for. We’re not looking for perfection, but awareness in those things that may be holding us back from ultimately healing and experiencing our best lives. Our bodies are designed to heal, we just have to give them what they need.
my story
How did I get here? When I was 33, I thought I was “fine”. I had 3 kids, a husband, career, and a business. In reality I was over-worked, over-stressed, running on adrenaline, and drinking a bottle of wine every night to numb out. Like most of us, I didn’t realize how unhealthy my life was until a health crisis hit. The day after Thanksgiving I woke up with Bell’s Palsy. It was terribly painful, and a week later I suffered a gall bladder attack. From that point on, I was bed ridden for months. My nervous system was completely overloaded, and I barely had enough energy to make it to the bathroom by myself. I needed assistance showering. I couldn’t drive, and felt like I was at death’s door, too afraid to fall asleep at night for fear I wouldn’t wake up. My debilitating symptoms came on so quickly. One day I was fine, and within a week I was completely bed ridden.
The Dr’s said nothing was wrong with me, and my bloodwork was “fine”. How could nothing be wrong with me if I couldn’t even get out of bed? Not to mention the facial paralysis. I began researching, googling my symptoms and looking up corresponding hashtags of my health issues…
#epsteinbarrvirus #adrenalfatigue #anxiety #insomnia #lymedisease #moldtoxicty #hashimotos #chronicillness #spoonie #autoimmunedisease
I’ve spent thousands of dollars on different Dr.’s and healing modalities over the years, and experimented with different ways of eating to assist in healing. Often times it was 1 step forward, 5 steps back. But each step along the journey brought me to where I am today. I realized I had to be my own best Doctor. I had to advocate for myself. I knew that there was a purpose to my health crisis, and something great would eventually come from it.
As I began to heal, I acquired so much information about health and wellness. I enrolled in Herbalism school, taking classes as I was able. I eventually was able to further my education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Trinity School of Natural Health, MBCE, Bio Resonance testing, NTA, and continue to learn and explore different healing modalities. I work with supplement companies who train practitioners in depth on their wellness protocols and supplements. I have a passion for learning about health, wellness, and root cause approaches to healing the body.
I’m here to help and assist you, saving you time and money, because let’s face it…healing from chronic illness can be very expensive. Most likely if you are here, you have searched and exhausted most modern medicine options, and perhaps a few alternative as well. We can work together to find the missing links, and get you back to health.